Author Archives: Chuck_Maas

Summer in Alaska

The most vibrant non-winter months in Alaska are June and July.  This is when the majority of the seasonal rebirth, growth, blossoming, and seeding of wildflowers culminates.  Among the earliest to bloom are chiming bells, the petals of which are … Continue reading

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Among the most elegant of waterfowl that spend the summer in Alaska are trumpeter swans.  Most pass through the southcentral part of the state in April on their way farther north, though a few remain in local lakes and marshes … Continue reading

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First Arrivals

The beginning of spring bird migration in Anchorage is usually noted by the arrival of gulls in midtown.  Traditionally I’ve expected them during the first week of April, but this year they arrived on March 30th, adding another twist to … Continue reading

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Digital image editing software has come a very long way in the last couple of decades.  Indeed, the number and complexity of constantly evolving applications make it hard to determine which are the most efficient and effective in both cost … Continue reading

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Keeping Up with Technology

A lot has changed in the last few years with regard to capturing, processing, and viewing images on screens or as prints, and methods and means continue to evolve.  But the last two years have been filled with disruptions—severe disruptions, … Continue reading

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Unexpected Benefits

As imaging technology advances, some improvements present in unanticipated ways.  For those who pursue small, wary nature subjects (birds in particular), long lenses with a narrow angle of view are especially useful, and items like extenders or teleconverters aid in … Continue reading

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Season’s Greetings

It’s been another challenging year.  Life as we know it has changed, and finding a “new normal” will require willpower and perseverance.  But time marches on and things will sort out, one way or another.  In the meantime we’ll keep … Continue reading

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Non-winter seasons at this latitude are crammed into a much shorter length of time than in the Lower-48.  Spring comes late and flowers rush to complete the bloom/seed cycle.  Early wildflowers are reaching their peak in Southcentral Alaska, like these … Continue reading

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Seasonal Transition

It’s that time of year again, when winter begins to fade as temperatures gradually rise above the freezing point.  One of the first spots in Anchorage where the change is most notable is a shallow manmade lagoon along Chester Creek.  … Continue reading

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Fall Migration

The big, white, elegant Trumpeter swans have passed through southcentral Alaska again.  Dozens stop by Potter Marsh each fall to feed and rest on their migration south.  They have an acute sense of how long to stay and when best … Continue reading

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